And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Love and Taxis

"It is an extra dividend when you like the girl you've fallen in love with" said Clark Gable.

"Oh, Clark Gable" said Jesse.

"Is it possible to not like someone you're in love with?" we all said.

"Love is just memory and time. A collection of memories that you're fond of and like the best. You go along in life until one day you realize that there is someone who you share really good memories with, and that's when you know you've fallen in love with" said the cabbie.

"Don't overuse your brain and think love exists. It's just a word; it's not real." said the cabbie.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Space Battle

So, recently I've been watching a lot of Battlestar Galactica, and last night I watched Empire Strikes Back and I've been thinking:

Why do all spaceships approach other spaceships in the same orientation?

I mean think about it - there is no up, down, sideways, or back again in space, right? Gravity within spaceships seem to be oriented so that the pilot can sit in his or her seat, but there is not gravity outside of a spaceship. So, it would make sense to me that ships would approach other ships from all sorts of ways, upside down, sideways, any number of different oblique angles and so on. And yet whenever you see one fleet of spaceships approaching another fleet of spaceships, the ships are ALL oriented top to bottom the same way. Is this done because we as an audience member would find it weird and disorienting any other way, or have TV and filmmakers just not thought of this? Or am I mistaken?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Let's Review

*Job at D4, Irish Pub. Irish workers headcount: 2. No tips yet, still training. Bit of a travel. Near the pier. Marrying condiments and taking drink orders.

*TMLMTBGB aka Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind - neo-futurist theater experience. 30 plays in 60 minutes. Mash-ups the name. Half-naked men wrestling with Ramen noodle. Unexpected alarm clocks. Defiant pubic hairs. Tornadoes and guitars. Bacon art. Shower art. Noodle necklaces. Mixed drinks and cemetery talk. More or less pretentious. All in all some interesting ideas, some much better than others, makes me think, I'll give you that.

*The Reckoning, except not. (Damn tornadoes). The Eelum family +1. Still funny, solid scene work. Commit to a character fast - remember to act. Control of your body and voice. Great fire speech!

*Back to Downers Grove after 3 years (and then after 9). Unexpected carnival - craziest looking ride I may have ever seen. Reunion with 2nd grade friends. Jelly on the ceiling. Making new friends. Very little sleep. Realized how close together everything in town actually was. Express train back.

*Mattress arrival! Got a room after all. Tilted floor. Early morning sunlight. Nails in the wall. Feels like a home.

*Toaster. Got one.

*Battlestar Galactica. Why didn't I listen to Kellie and Jamie when they told me to watch this show in the first place? Season 1 is hot shit. Waiting on others to begin season 2.

*Rainstorm. Frolicking. Strawberries and cream. Puddlejumping.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Chicago, The Beginnings

This is going to be a good summer.

I arrived in Chicago 4 days ago now, and I've just been loving this life I'm living. The four of us, Alexis, Sally, Jesse, and I have a wonderful apartment in Roscoe Village. We have the whole second floor of the house, and the first floor is occupied by 5 Irish folks. We're actually going to be grilling out with them this evening in our backyard.

I've been spending the last days scouring our neighborhood, applying for jobs, and dropping off my resume at different places. So far nothing has seemed too promising, but I gotta keep at it.

Classes at iO start 3 weeks from tomorrow, which feels really far away. I'm so excited for classes to begin, to meet our fellow students, and to begin improvising again. We also get free tickets to any iO shows that we can get into, so hopefully I'll be all over that.

This is it for now, because I'm borrowing internet from the Dunkin' Donuts behind us, so I don't want to be stuck in a corner of our backyard forever.

Friday, June 3, 2011


One of my favorite poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay. Also a description of this blog and my plans to kickstart it again.

A lot has happened in the last 9 months. I might fill in some gaps if I feel like it this summer.

But I will also be using this to catalogue my goings-on in Chicago this summer. Just got back home to Texas a few days ago, but I'll be heading up to Chicago in less than two weeks. And I'm hoping it will be madness.