And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Let's Review

*Job at D4, Irish Pub. Irish workers headcount: 2. No tips yet, still training. Bit of a travel. Near the pier. Marrying condiments and taking drink orders.

*TMLMTBGB aka Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind - neo-futurist theater experience. 30 plays in 60 minutes. Mash-ups the name. Half-naked men wrestling with Ramen noodle. Unexpected alarm clocks. Defiant pubic hairs. Tornadoes and guitars. Bacon art. Shower art. Noodle necklaces. Mixed drinks and cemetery talk. More or less pretentious. All in all some interesting ideas, some much better than others, makes me think, I'll give you that.

*The Reckoning, except not. (Damn tornadoes). The Eelum family +1. Still funny, solid scene work. Commit to a character fast - remember to act. Control of your body and voice. Great fire speech!

*Back to Downers Grove after 3 years (and then after 9). Unexpected carnival - craziest looking ride I may have ever seen. Reunion with 2nd grade friends. Jelly on the ceiling. Making new friends. Very little sleep. Realized how close together everything in town actually was. Express train back.

*Mattress arrival! Got a room after all. Tilted floor. Early morning sunlight. Nails in the wall. Feels like a home.

*Toaster. Got one.

*Battlestar Galactica. Why didn't I listen to Kellie and Jamie when they told me to watch this show in the first place? Season 1 is hot shit. Waiting on others to begin season 2.

*Rainstorm. Frolicking. Strawberries and cream. Puddlejumping.

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