And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Chicago, The Beginnings

This is going to be a good summer.

I arrived in Chicago 4 days ago now, and I've just been loving this life I'm living. The four of us, Alexis, Sally, Jesse, and I have a wonderful apartment in Roscoe Village. We have the whole second floor of the house, and the first floor is occupied by 5 Irish folks. We're actually going to be grilling out with them this evening in our backyard.

I've been spending the last days scouring our neighborhood, applying for jobs, and dropping off my resume at different places. So far nothing has seemed too promising, but I gotta keep at it.

Classes at iO start 3 weeks from tomorrow, which feels really far away. I'm so excited for classes to begin, to meet our fellow students, and to begin improvising again. We also get free tickets to any iO shows that we can get into, so hopefully I'll be all over that.

This is it for now, because I'm borrowing internet from the Dunkin' Donuts behind us, so I don't want to be stuck in a corner of our backyard forever.

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