And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Black Sheep, Piglets, Feet, and So On.

Lots of updates! Too many things to prosetize (which is like proselytizing, but totally not) - LET'S MAKE A LIST!

  • BLACK SHEEP ARE A REAL THING. I went to go check on the sheep about two weeks ago to spy what I thought was a cat hanging out with the sheep. Dom didn't believe me when I told him there was a black bab lamb (they're apparently rare, duh, that's why the phrase black sheep came around, dee da dee). It's also freakin' adorable.
  • SURPRISE PIGLETS! I forgot to mention that the lamb was an utter surprise. As were the 6 piglets I found a few days ago with our sow, Bernice. Man, I really gotta figure out when an animal looks pregnant. How are you supposed to tell when it's already big and round???
  • DRIVING STICK - Less exciting than the first two bullet points, but hey, find a pattern and stick to it, right? So, caps. I've been learning to drive a standard transmission, because the big farm truck we use here is, naturally, standard (and MASSIVE). This was thrust upon me when, long story short, a flat tire forced me to drive the truck half an hour back home after a very brief driving lesson the day before. Timidity, timorousness, fear, these were all things that prevented me from wanting to drive the giant box around, but I'm getting used to it. I kind of have to. Yay for learning new skills!
  • HOT PEPPERS are hot. Immediately and residually. We make a hot sauce here from a variety of heirloom peppers naturally fermented, and in order to do so, we chop up a ton of peppers. Not quite literally a ton, but a good 50 or 60 pounds. Burning hands for days. I wonder if Honeysuckle can feel the heat when I milk her, and I feel bad about it.
  • PIG FEET - I spent most of the day making a soup stock out of pig feet and cooking kidney beans in them. What a cool thing that I got to spend most of the day cooking. And that I cooked pig feet. Never would've thought. Tasted like pork. 
  • AUTUMN IS ENDING - I'm so sad all the leaves are on the ground and the animal's water is frozen in the morning. My toes are very cold until about 11am. I feel like on this blog I write about how my feet are cold, alot. My feet are cold. Somebody send me wool socks. Please? Here's my address: 816 Barnum St., Sheffield, MA 01257. Thanks. 
  • DESSERT ALL THE TIME - Dom sets up his stand at the Saturday's Farmer's Market next to this woman who runs an organic bakery, and she sends him home with things she doesn't sell. Which means we *always* have amazing baked goods to eat. 100% Belgian Dark Chocolate Layer Cake? Yes, please. 
  • RATS, I smell 'em. Found they'd eaten some bread off our kitchen counter this morning. And some popcorn kernels. And a tomato. And so on. They're moving in for the winter. We set traps for them tonight, covered them with toilet paper and wrote TRAP on them so we don't forget and hurt ourselves. I find it very funny imagining the rats are literate and that they think we think they're absolute idiots.
  • ELTON JOHN, YO YO MA, PAUL SIMON - These are all people Dom has met. He's always got a good story to tell.
Farmboy out.

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