And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sometimes you wake up in the morning sweating.

Sometimes you leave early and arrive late.

Sometimes you walk 45 minutes only to discover there's a tram.

Sometimes you spend the whole morning in prison.

Sometimes you wonder how much psychological and physical torture you could take, even when you know you're innocent.

Sometimes you wonder why people are so good at causing other people pain, and not always so good at causing other people joy.

Sometimes you just can't pay attention because you're too hungry. Or too tired. Or too hot.

Sometimes you're surprised by the things you order in a foreign country.

Sometimes you love being able to blend into a foreign land and becoming completely anonymous.

Sometimes you can buy 1.5 Liter bottles of lemonade for less than a quarter.

Sometimes you ride the train just to see where it takes you.

Sometimes you see men wearing shirts for pants on the train.

Sometimes the train takes you to an empty train station in the middle of the city.

Sometimes you take off your glasses so that you cannot see signs and can walk where you will.

Sometimes you find yourself in an immense park.

Sometimes you take the longer path to the top of a hill so that you can see everything on the way up.

Sometimes you can watch a sunset through the trees.

Sometimes you find people in the middle of the woods who are just standing there.

Sometimes you find 3 different playgrounds in one park.

Sometimes you find the only water fountain you've ever seen in Germany.

Sometimes you play in playgrounds alone, because the good ship Frieda must be sailed.

Sometimes you throw sand in the air to hear it skittling upon the ground.

Sometimes you find yourself the witness of a far off thunderstorm, experiencing only the surreal foreboding darkness and wind.

Sometimes you write poetry in the sand.

Sometimes you purposely don't take pictures.

Sometimes spend half a day practically in silence.

Sometimes you want to miss the train.

Sometimes you just sit and feel the wind on your face.

1 comment:

  1. "Sometimes you ride the train just to see where it takes you."

    This is truth. Get lost. It makes for wonderful adventures.
