And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wie komisch

I'm back. Fort Worth, it's good to see ya.

My mom asked me if it was strange to be speaking English. I told her that it's not so strange to be speaking English, as to not hear anything but English. I only hear English around me, and the fact that if I start speaking German, then no one will understand me, is strange. I can't stop the German from coming out occasionally, with really small things, that I'd programmed myself to respond with in Germany.

A person bumps me in the store: "Entschuldigung." or "Es tut mir Leid." And then a strange look.

I've ended questions said completely in English with "oder?": "Do you want to go on Thursday, oder?"

I'm confirming information. "Genau." "What?" "That's right."

It feels like Berlin outside, anyway. The weather in Berlin this summer was the hottest on record. It felt exactly like a typical Texas summer.

It feels strange to eat cereal in the morning. I also realized I hadn't had milk in a month, which is a long time for me. I drink a lot of milk. But then again, going two days without Brotchen, Kaese, und Schinken, feels weird now. It also feels strange using a car. I feel like I should have to walk 10 minutes before any of my day trips start. I haven't walked hardly at all the last two days and that's also really strange. Today, I almost went downtown, just so I could walk around in a city. But I knew I wouldn't find any Doener stands or a wooded park.

Fort Worth feels almost... foreign.

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